Lesson 1: Ways to greet your interviewer

Ace your interview from the get-go using one of these phrases

Welcome back to another session of Boost! Classes began last week, and we're proud to have over 500 students participating. Thank you for being a part of the TECLA community.

Lesson 1: Nail your interviews from the start.

The phrase 'You never get a second chance to make a first impression' is a well-known saying and a likely one that your grandmother has mentioned at least once. But don't just take it as a mere saying - the numbers speak for themselves. In fact, over 33% of hiring managers admit that they make their hiring decision within the first 90 seconds of meeting a candidate (Undercover Recruiter).

Say goodbye to the mundane "Hi" and avoid those painfully long silences that last longer than the entire Game of Thrones series…ace your interview from the get-go using one of these phrases:

"Hey, Mike, nice to meet you, and thanks for the opportunity. Excited to be here!"

Sounds much better, right? 

Let's say you scored an interview with an entire team (congrats!) Here is an engaging way to make a great first impression: 

"Hey, ABC team, thank you so much for the opportunity and for meeting with me today. Excited to be here with you all!". 

There are several appropriate ways to refer to a group of people in conversation:

  • "Everyone" or "you all": Simple and inclusive words to refer to a group. You can never go wrong with this two.

  • "Folks": It's a friendly and informal way.

  • "Pals": Good way to refer to a group of friends or colleagues.

No worries if your interviewer switches things up and asks how you're doing first! Just go ahead and say:

"Hey Mike, I’m doing great, thanks. It’s nice to meet you. Excited to be here!"

"Excited" (I am excited) - In these instances, the "I am" is understood and can be omitted.

Starting an interview can be nerve-wracking, but a few well-chosen words can help you put your best foot forward and make a great first impression. 

Write down this formula and use the mirror to practice. Give your all and show your best self during your next interview:

 "Hello, it's great to meet you, and thanks for the opportunity. Excited to be here!".

Greet + thank the interviewer + express excitement.

You are set to go. Break a leg! 🚀 

Don't miss a detail -watch the weekly video lesson recap. 

Practice makes perfect. Get ready for next Monday's must-know lesson and learn how to answer the question, "Why do you want to work here?🤯.

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