Lesson 12: Key Phrases for Virtual Meeting Success

Improve your communication with these key phrases 🔑.

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👋 Say Goodbye to Awkward Virtual Meetings with These Key Phrases

Revamp Your Virtual Meetings for Enhanced Productivity

Are you sick of feeling like you're wasting time in virtual meetings that seem to be going nowhere fast? You're not alone! 

Recent research shows virtual meetings are less productive for over 70% of professionals. Don't worry. We've got you covered! Learn key phrases to transform your virtual meetings from unproductive to efficient and engaging.

These phrases increase productivity, enhance communication, and boost collaboration in virtual meetings. Let's say goodbye to awkward virtual meetings for good - let's get started!

What Phrases Can Improve Virtual Meetings and Increase Productivity?

"Sorry to interrupt, but can I just jump in here momentarily?"

👉 This phrase can be helpful when you have something to contribute to the conversation but don't want to interrupt anyone. It's a polite and effective way to make your point without disrupting the flow of the conversation.

"Let's step back and look at the bigger picture."

👉 It's a quick and easy way to refocus the conversation and steer the discussion toward the overall objective or goal of the meeting. 

"Could you please clarify what you mean by that?"

👉 This phrase helps you prevent misunderstandings during meetings. It's a simple and polite way to ask for more information and ensure everyone is on the same page.

"I'd like to build on what (name) just said."

👉  Want to show your colleagues that you're both engaged and contributing to the conversation? Active listening and teamwork go hand in hand. This phrase is a great way to add to the discussion while also acknowledging the insights of others.

"I'm afraid I missed the last part. Could you repeat that?"

👉  Don't pretend you heard everything - use this phrase instead. It's a polite way to ensure everyone is on the same page and the conversation can continue smoothly.

 "Can we put a pin in that and come back to it later?"

👉 When it's time to stay on track but essential topics come up, use this phrase to acknowledge the issue's importance while keeping the meeting focused and efficient.

"Just to reiterate, our main objective is (insert objective)."

👉 This phrase can refocus the discussion on the primary goal of the meeting.

"Let's go around the virtual room and get everyone's input."

👉 Ensure everyone can share their ideas using this phrase. It's a simple and effective way to foster collaboration and teamwork.

"I'm not sure we're on the same page. Could we discuss this further?"

 ğŸ‘‰ When there's confusion or disagreement in virtual meetings, this phrase is a respectful way to seek clarification and ensure everyone is working toward the same goals.

'I think we've covered everything. Does anyone have any final thoughts or questions?'

👉 Are you looking to wrap up a virtual meeting while ensuring everyone's voice is heard? Encourage participation and ensure that all ideas are shared using this phrase.

🚀 The Final Take

Incorporating these phrases into virtual meetings can transform them from unproductive to efficient and engaging. So, don't be afraid to try them out and see the difference for yourself!

Be bold and use these powerful phrases during your next virtual meeting. Doing so will open up new avenues for collaboration and productivity. We hope you found this lesson helpful and look forward to seeing you again next week!

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