Lesson 3: The Active Listener's Playbook

How to transform your conversations.

Welcome back to another session of Boost! Classes began last week, and we're proud to have over 600 students participating. Thank you for being a part of the TECLA community.

Communication skills 101: Your go-to guide for better conversations.

The active listener's playbook - how to transform your conversations.

Have you ever been in a conversation where you feel like the other person is just... there? They're not saying anything, and you're not sure they're even paying attention. It's like talking to a brick wall, right?

And let's be real; this can happen even more easily when we're trying to communicate in a language that's not our native one. You're trying to keep the conversation flowing, but it's tough when you don't know the right words to say.

But here's the thing, being a great listener in an interview is just as important as what we say. Employers highly value active listening skills during job interviews, with 67% of 260 surveyed hiring managers rating it as "very important", according to a Journal of Employment Counseling study.

So, grab a pen and paper because you'll learn to stay focused and engaged today. Talk the talk, listen the listen - it's that simple!

Show your interviewer you're all ears by using these magic words....

→ Absolutely → Of course → Exactly → Definitely → Got it

These quick and easy tips will help show your interviewer that you are actively listening- even if you're secretly thinking, 'uh, what did they just say?'

And no, using these tricks doesn't mean you agree with everything your interviewer says. It just means you're showing that you're engaged and paying attention. So let's get ready to show off those listening skills and make a killer impression!

Get ready to brush up on your business lingo! Next week, we're diving into the world of software development and bringing you all the hot words and phrases you need to know.

It's time to expand your English vocabulary and become a true master of the tech talk.

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