Welcome to Boost!

Improve Your Technical English with Boost - Receive weekly recommendations for better reading, writing, and speaking proficiency.

Experience the FREEDOM of the NEW American Dream...

What is this about? Simple. Earn dollars without leaving your home country!

Master English for Tech & IT and unlock global opportunities. 

We know, we know... learning English can be challenging. Don't sweat it! English mastery made easy — no need to memorize the whole dictionary.

WHO has time for that anyways?

What YOU need RIGHT NOW is to learn and master English for IT, and that's why we are here. 😉

As a leading talent outsourcing company, we have seen one recurring problem: Limited opportunities for Latin American tech talent in global companies due to a lack of proficiency in English.

We have decided to solve that.

Boost is your own English tutor, delivered straight to your inbox - with new ones coming up every single week. Learn tips and tricks to improve your reading, writing, and English speaking for FREE!

Step into your new journey with Boost's Welcome Video.

Classes start next week! Get your pens and paper and get ready to greet your interviewers like a pro with next Monday's must-know lesson. 😉

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